Wednesday 12 October 2011

Fontographer 1

From typeface to a font... Each letterform was scanned in, vectorised and then imported into the correct segment in Fontographer. This sounds like a simple process, and it was, although I had to make a preset in Illustrator for live trace to make all vectors similar in stroke. When exported and opened in Fontbook, the font appeared like this...

Each lowercase letter had to be resized to fit the ascender and descender correctly. Despite solving one problem, this generated another. The spacing between letters needs to be addressed. Also, I am not happy with guessing how to scale my letterforms by eyes. I would much rather have a guide, so that I can show how my font has been generated within the restrictions of Helvetia Bold.

I still need to handdraw, scan, vectorise and import into Fontographer the gyphs, number and ligatures.

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