Tuesday 23 November 2010

OUGD201 evaluation

Through this module I have developed my communication skills through typography. Illustrative typography was an area of design which I wished to explore and I have used these skills to create a memorable image, branded with my logo, to use on promotional posters.  The concept of creating illustrative typography using my product (my chosen 'what is good') give it more purpose, meaning and substance.

I have carried out alot more research than in previous modules and through this, have a better understanding of my subject, allowing my communication to be clearer. The majority of my research has been secondary and I should have gained more primary data. I could have definately researched more into printing processes and explained why I chose the limited methods I did. 

Since returning from Summer my own capacity to carry out tasks currently has been effected through personal reasons and this has impacted on the quality and quantity of work produced. I am saddened greatly by my response to this module and work I create presently. I cannot identify one thing which is weakest in this module, rather the whole submission is weak. 

In terms of strengths I can identitfy that I was keen to explore illustrative typography and I undertook the task of creating some myself. I designed and devloped the logo and furthermore applied this to bread. Through the process of toasting, my logo was printed upon the material. In the future, I aim to capitalise on this and carry out more experimentation within typography. Through crits, my idea developed while still keeping to my brief. An example of this is when I decided to package a few slices of bread rather than a whole loaf. This, teamed with audience made much more sense and helped to get the ball rolling. 

There are many things I would do differently if I could. I would ideally like to re-sit this module once I am mentally back on track and can unleash my full potential upon it. One key difference I would make to my working style (and can immediately) is to be more active with my research, in terms of making mock-ups and testing ideas rather than thinking about them and giving the internally giving them a thumbs up/down without exploring the physical possibilities. 

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