Friday 5 March 2010

OUGD104 - What is a Line? (09.02.10)

A formation of people, objects or things besides/behind the other.
I looked into placing similar object next to each other and how they varied depending on the object. I think it is interesting how you can create a line out of a number of objects. A good example would have also been a russian doll, showing the similarities and differences when next to each other. The last image shows yellow pins placed strategically so that they make a line of their own, which also appears as the letter Y.

- A formation of people, objects or things besides/behind the other.

A connected series of evens, actions or developments.
This really interested me once I realised how many possibilities there were. I like the idea of documenting developments and how things progress with the effect of time. Also how patterns are made through a repetition of actions. Tree trunks show this example really well, as their rings look beautiful and also give us information and show the development. Some other examples I could of included are the cycle of the moon and a chain links.
- A connected series of evens, actions or developments.

A mark indicating position, connection or boundaries.
Initially I only thought about arrows on signs and how they direct us. Later I thought about how many things can be seen as boundaries and can enclose text or image. A wordsearch is a great example of boundaries around letters creating a word. Letters themselves could also be classed under this topic as they have specific marks to each one. Dot to dot would also be a great example.

- A mark indicating position, connection or boundaries.

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