Thursday 20 January 2011

Type 2

In the yellow pages there is limited space and lots of competitors so it was a good task and I think I learnt alot about heirarchy.

I numbered the assets in what order they should be read in a Yellow Pages advert. I have taken out ‘Decoration and Design’ as this is repeated and not necessary. The home phone number is more important than the email or web address pureply as this is to be placed in a phone book.

2. Dan Broughton
x. Decoration and Design
4. Friendly prompt services
3. High quality workmanship
6. Competitive rates
5. Free no obligation estimates
1. Decorating and Interior Design
7. 01943 463338
8. 07872 625565
Size 30mm x 60mm

It all depends on what the client actually wants and so I have done an alternative design with a different heiarchy to demonstrate how type can communicate more than the words.

4. Dan Broughton
x. Decoration and Design
6. Friendly prompt services
7. High quality workmanship
2. Competitive rates
1. Free no obligation estimates
3. Decorating and Interior Design
8. 01943 463338
5. 07872 625565
Size 30mm x 60mm

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