Tuesday 20 April 2010

OUGD104 - What is a Line? (Final)

20.04.10 - Nothing goes to plan
I choose to do my final piece in black and white so that the colour did not distract from the content of the images.

I was intending on coming back to College earlier in the Easter break to print and finish all of OUGD104 before deadline day. However, due to family issues, I decided to stay another few days. This put more pressure on me to complete my work in a shorter amount of time. To add to my difficulties instead of rotating my photographs in Photoshop, I placed them as I wanted them to print in InDesign. When I tried to print the InDesign files at college they would not open. I went home and exported them as PDFs. Deadline day arrived and I again tried to print this PDF, however it had vanished from my external hard-drive (it was there!). I did not have time to layout all of the images again or edit them again. I have had to resort to making a video animation of the photographs in a similar style to what I was going to do with the flip books... To add to everything the videos are missbehaving being uploaded onto this blog! I am very unhappy with the final piece produced. I have a ticket booked back home again today at lunchtime so there is no way I could re-do any of my desired work in time. I am really annoyed at myself for not printing everything sooner and think all the issues with files must be karma! I will make the flip books before the weekend as I think they would work really well. I do wish I stuck to one idea and developed that instead of branching out all over the place. I would have really liked to experiment with a flashgun as like Harlod E. Edgerton.

- Clockwise

- Dark/Light

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