Wednesday 8 December 2010

After Effects workshop 1

Image with notes

After Effects workspace.

  • Project Panel is where you store all the assests (library if assets) to be used in your animation.
  • Timeline Panel is the area where you arrange assets of animation. This decides when something happens. 
  • Composition Panel allows us to see our animation. 
Spacial and temporary
Spacially is the movement (where) and temporarily is the time aspect (when).

Composition settings (cmd + n)

Pixel aspect ratio
Must use PAL at 25 frames a second as this is the UK standard and Photoshop uses square (still images) video uses rectangular pixels (moving images) and for this project the format is 16:9 which is widescreen.

New solid layer (cmd + y)

Solid layer.

Now have a new 'solids' folder in the project panel and have a representation of this new solid layer over the 5 second duration in the timeline panel. Still images automatically last for the whole animation duration. I can move this 'solid layer' around in the frame (spacially), and also adjust the time length of it in the timeline panel (temporarily).

Simple animation.

By repeating layers and adding new ones and also altering them spacially and temporarily I can create a simple animation. By using the RAM preview button in the preview panel, you can watch the animation at real time (cannot be 100% certain it is playing in real time just by using the play button).

Work area bar.

Work area bar
By using the work area bar we can select a small section of the animation to demonstrate.

Untitled from Hazel Gage on Vimeo.


Layer properties.

Layer Properties
By using the layer properties you can add transitions and effects like position, anchor, rotation, scale and opacity.

Untitled from Hazel Gage on Vimeo.

You can also select more properties and layers to edit at once by using the keyboard shortcuts to create this...

Untitled from Hazel Gage on Vimeo.

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