Wednesday 23 September 2009

Summer Brief

Before starting the course in September, we were asked to complete a Summer Brief. I had to create a sequence of 26 letter forms which represented me. I designed my own typeface using Illustrator and overlayed these onto images of a corresponding image. Each letter represented a part of me... something I was interested in/didn't like/history etc. My inspiration for my typeface came from one of my current favourite posters at the minute BRNO ECHO by Abbott Miller.

I quite like my typeface. I originally started using triangles to create it instead but realised that I didn't like the typeface I was creating... and as it was supposed to represent me, that would be a bad idea!

I really wanted to add a different spin to my alphabet, and got some help from my friend Hannah Williams on how to create anaglyphs. Her advice was invaluable. I hope the 3D effect will show that I am quite a dynamic person and always want to look and learn further and produce work which is beyond what is easily achieved.

Most of my images were created by myself, however there are a few which I have sourced from website such as Flickr and then edited in Illustrator using Live Trace. You will need red/cyan anaglyph glasses to view the Summer Brief Alphabet effectively.

A - Architecture B - Body-popping C - Cats D - Dubonnet E - Evelyn F - Friends G - Gage H - Hazel I - InDesign J - Jigsaw K - The Knife L - Lines M - Michelle N - Nottingham O - Onions P - Photography Q - Questions R - Rage of Gage S - Snowboarding T - Time U - University V - Vacuuming W - Woman X - Xmas Y - You Z - Zombie Zoo

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